Vision and Values

Vision, Mission and Values

We were established in 2010 with a single school.

We currently manage a family of 4 academies in North London, educating some 2,600 pupils.

Stronger Together

We plan to build on the strong culture we have developed and our track record of success, shaping a new strategy to deliver on our overarching mission to improve life chances.

We also want our children to have lifelong memories of the happy times they had with us, developing a love of learning, and remembering their teachers with fondness and as the role models who inspired them to reach for their dreams.

Addressing children’s whole needs while they are with us at such a key stage of their development – intellectual, emotional and physical - is critical. All children have gifts and we want them to achieve their full potential. Our role is to be bridge builders to opportunity. Excellence through equity is our goal.

We must continue to have the support of our parents in everything that we do. This partnership is fundamental to our success. Studies frequently show that 50% of a child’s achievement is influenced by their parents. We will also enhance our efforts to work with parents to encourage vital learning outside of the classroom and to ensure the current high standards of behaviour of children that are so important to a good education are maintained and strengthened.

The new strategy document sets out in detail some of our high-level objectives and priorities.

[Please note the document is being updated to reflect the change of the Trust's name to North Star Community Trust]

Read the strategy document here (pdf).

Our Vision

Our vision is to help as many children as possible to succeed at school and in life.

Our Mission

Our mission is to work within disadvantaged communities to make a real and lasting difference in order to give children the very best chances to succeed, academically and socially.

Our Values 

We are inclusive, ambitious, supportive and have integrity.

Education, Community and Opportunity (ECO)

To summarise our mission we use three words for everyone to remember on a daily basis: 

Education, Community and Opportunity (ECO).


Every child at a North Star Community Trust school will receive an excellent education.


Every child at a North Star Community Trust school will be able to make a difference in their community.


Every child at a North Star Community Trust school will have opportunities to help them develop into well-rounded citizens of the future.

Stronger Together

As a Trust, as communities of staff, children and families, we believe we are all Stronger Together.

Putting the child at the heart of everything we do

This image of concentric circles provides a visual representation of the priorities and holistic approach of North Star Community Trust, a Multi-Academy Trust dedicated to improving educational outcomes for children.

At the centre of the diagram is the "Child," representing the core focus of all our efforts.

Surrounding this are key areas of support and development, demonstrating the layered framework that underpins our commitment to ensuring every child thrives academically, socially, and emotionally.

The blue inner circle encompasses essential aspects of our educational delivery, such as safeguarding, curriculum, and SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities). These elements highlight the fundamental aspects of a safe and enriching educational experience that meets individual needs while fostering high-quality learning opportunities.

The green layer builds upon this foundation by addressing wider support areas, including engagement, data, pupil premium (PP), and free school meals (FSM). This shows our proactive approach to identifying barriers to learning and implementing strategies to support children’s success both inside and outside the classroom.

The red outer layer represents the broader context of our work. This includes the Trust's partnership with external agencies, local authorities, and the wider community. These collaborations enable us to provide comprehensive support to children and their families, ensuring a joined-up approach that extends beyond the school environment.

Overall, this diagram encapsulates the mission of North Star Community Trust: to nurture and inspire children within a structured and supportive framework. Through strong partnerships, tailored education, and a focus on the individual child, we aim to transform lives and foster a thriving community across our academies. The concentric circles make it clear that every layer of our organisation works together to achieve this shared vision.