Safeguarding pupils
Zoe Kirby: Head of Safeguarding
We have established and maintain an ethos where our pupils are encouraged to talk freely and are listened to if they are worried or concerned about something.
All visitors to our schools receive clear instructions of our safeguarding procedures when signing in.
Anyone without the appropriate lanyard and passes will be challenged.
If you have any concerns regarding the safety or well being of a pupil, please contact a member of the school safeguarding team.
There are posters throughout the school.
"Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility and through this commitment we provide a safe and secure environment in which to learn."
Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.... protecting children from abuse and maltreatment. preventing harm to children's health or development...ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care.
Safeguarding remains our number one priority.
Zoe Kirby, Head of Safeguarding 0208 804 4126 x620 07701 009 319
Safeguarding, child protection and associated procedures: -